About Dr. Rob Anthony

My name is Rob Anthony, and I am a father and husband, a teacher, an author, a school administrator, a cancer survivor, and a U.S. Naval veteran.

I am foremost a man who has undergone many struggles in life yet has been able to overcome them through the application of Biblical wisdom, prayer, and trust in a loving yet just God.

The belief that undergirds my work will always be that the truth is what enlightens mankind, so I base my works on the unchanging, rock-solid truth of God found in the only unchanging, rock-solid Word of God: the Bible.

I hold four degrees from three different universities with my doctorate degree being in Biblical Studies with an emphasis on historical theology. I became an educator and have been honored to serve thousands of students since the beginning of my career.

I have held several leadership positions in various industries, and my lifetime endeavor is to share the truth with anyone willing to engage in conversation. The Lord has graciously steered me through lots of needed growth, and my goal is to share these long lessons through short stories.


Building Level Administrator 7-12        

Secondary Social Studies

Secondary Biology

Google Certified Educator - Level 1

CPR / First Aid

CPI (Crisis Prevention Institute)

NEE (Network for Educator Effectiveness)

Reid Technique of Investigation and Interviewing

DITEP (Drug Impairment Training for Education Professionals)

MSBA (Missouri School Board Association) Certified School Safety Coordinator

In the year 2003, twelve years after graduating high school, I was enrolled into two universities. I actually completed an application to attend my undergraduate school, but I was also unknowingly and simultaneously enrolled in the “School of Humility.” Both universities influenced my life by helping me develop skills to become a public-school Social Studies teacher and then administrator. While I thought my textbook education was preparing me to serve others properly, I learned over time that my ability to impact people actually came from the development of life-skills seldom printed in textbooks.

I learned that pride will foremost prevent a person from becoming a good teacher. I learned that resilience was paramount to survive self-doubt even though I never read a chapter about it. I learned that truly making impact on others must come from selfless acts of love despite the varied receptions. In short, my education in college was to teach me teaching skills, but my education in life made me mentally tough.

If you’re ready to begin – or deepen – your journey toward greater enlightenment, you’re in the right place. Please feel free to explore the articles on my website, send me an email, order my first book, or like my Facebook and LinkedIn pages.

“The infinite and omniscient God knew finite man could never do anything to accomplish an infinite salvation, so infinite God became a finite man to accomplish infinitely what finite man never could do!”

Dr. Rob Anthony